This involves believing in ones self and viewing the world in a positive way. This includes my classroom layout. The environment in which children are placed drastically impacts their mood, behaviour and learning ability, therefore my classroom will promote positivity through my energy, posters, on the walls and student interactions/dynamics. I agree with the NSW English K-6 Syllabus and I want my classroom to be ‘safe yet challenging’ p8.
This involves encouraging each student to do the best they can in a positive, loving yet professional manner. Showing appreciation and respect to all. For me as a teacher this involves finding out the students likes, dislikes and backgrounds in order to engage and interest the student at a greater level. Each student is different and if students differences can be discussed with love, appreciation and respect.
Each student has a different learning style however each student has the ability to learn. Students should be encouraged and positively reinforced. I believe it is okay to make mistakes as students learn from these mistakes. Mistakes should not be punished, but instead should be taken as an opportunity to learn.
Be Positive! Support, encouragement, believing in each student and keeping positive I believe is paramount. “It has been proven now scientifically that an affirmative thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought” (Michael Beckwith).
Board of Studies NSW. (2007) English K-6 Syllabus. Sydney: Board of Studies